Friday, August 10, 2012

The last hurrah!

Hah, too bad we never actually blogged this mofo. Good times we had at four two three. Good times indeed. I'd tell you (the general air) more about them but I'm 24 now and a tad hung over still. Also, there's glitter on my face? GODDAMMIT ALYSSA.

Monday, May 21, 2012

WE HAVE 77 PAGE VIEWS... we're kind of a big deal.
In other news: Alyssa has a new favorite toy, Julie is gtfo to Amnesty International in DC to party hardy with Elise and Helen is.. a watermelon.

Peace, love and bacon,

Monday, April 9, 2012

Julie's Goal

Someday to be pregnant with meaning. And to chill, all over the place, while not disappointing Annie.

Monday, March 26, 2012


ZOMGZ! In other news, Matt is applying for big boy jobs. It's awesome.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

It's bobsled time!

I watched Cool Runnings for the first time today as part of my 90's pop culture education. Great stuff, and I definitely did not cry at all not even a little when the Jamaican team carries their bobsled to the finish line and their hometown erupts in cheers.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Is it the weekend yet?

Tipsy Tuesdays are going to be reinstated starting next week. FYI roomates, you've been warned.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Moods

Spring is here. 70 degrees and climbing. After a pretty weak-ass winter, a promise of summer doesn't seem so bad. Porch-sitting weather us upon us. Unfortunately spring also means a new year and having to figure out your plans for the near future. Living with significant others, getting jobs, insurance, working in south america, retirement savings, going to graduate school, living away from sig. others, and basically every other real-world problem are all on the forefront of everyone's minds. I predict lots of beer and life decisions being made on our porch in the near future. 

P.s. Flappers poker party on Thurs.